Moving forward I will do a monthly recap of French insider moves. It is always interesting what the insiders are doing. The amounts in play have to be important and the repetition are interesting signals.
I won’t take into account the exercise of options which don’t count as direct buys according to me (buying directly on the market is much better).
And this is not even talking about the companies who are late in publishing their moves. When this happens, sometimes they could be something happening in the next couple of months. By regularizing their buys insiders are making sure everything is crytstal clean before something happens. But I always find it weird (to not use another word) when insiders regularize their moves. When you are an insider in a publicly quoted company you know the rules which apply…
So here we go and as a reminder I am making a subjective decision to put forward some moves and not other ones. Of course I will disclose if I have some shares so as to be crystal clear and so that you can correct my confirmation bias!
Some owner operators keep hitting hard in what they know best (their company!). Some other moves (Saint Jean Groupe) are more linked to some big chunks of shares being available.
Lagardère is strictly linked to the subsequent offer which was extended to june 2025. Vivendi is slowly and surely increasing its stake in Lagardère.
It is always interesting when the buys are recurring…
Disclaimer: the above article constitutes the authors’ personal views and is for entertainment purposes only. It is not to be construed as financial advice in any shape or form. Please do your own research and seek your own advice from a qualified financial advisor. The author may from time to time hold positions in the aforementioned stocks consistent with the views and opinions expressed in this article. Disclosure – I hold a position in the Bolloré Galaxy and in the Bernard Arnault galaxy at the time of publishing this article (this is a disclosure and NOT A RECOMMENDATION).